Screening for Hospitality
Courtyards, decks and overlook patios have become an industry standard when designing for hotels, restaurants and clubs. Being able to offer customers a view, or even better, an outdoor seating view gives a business a leg up on it’s competitors. It is the first choice for seating for many customers and will fill up more quickly than indoor seating. Every club owner or restaurant owner knows this. However, needing to also plan for inclement weather is a necessity in order to extend the useable season.

Outdoor screening is the perfect solution. Panels of screening can be mounted and hung, controlled by remote or manual crank, which will shield customers from wind, sun, heat and even some rains. The alternative of fixed screening is also an option for some areas. Consider an indoor dining area that seats 100 guests. An additional outdoor area that might seat another 25 guests is a potential increase of 25% in revenue to a restaurant owner. If it’s too windy, too hot or rain is threatening, the restaurant owner will probably not be able to seat their outdoor area to capacity. Lowering outdoor screens against direct sunlight will also keep the area cooler, protect the outdoor walls from heat and thereby reduce cooling costs indoors as well.